Baseline Surveys
The successful Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) study (Durham University, 2017) into the impact of CU noted for primary age pupils who participated in CU activity, that ‘Compared to pupils in the control group, those in the treatment group were more likely to…report higher levels of communication, empathy, self-confidence, resilience, and happiness, after the intervention.’
Following this, South Yorkshire CU has taken the opportunity to undertake a research project through Sheffield Hallam University. Using baseline and exit surveys with pupils in Barnsley schools, the study will seek to assess the impact of CU participation on pupils’ attitudes towards the development and importance of skills, their confidence and motivation to learn, and their future aspirations.
For activities delivered as part of this research, we will require participant level data. You can find our privacy policy here.
To make sure the activities we provide are useful and effective, we need to gather information which we use purely for monitoring, research, and evaluation purposes. All data will be stored securely and any reporting will be done so through collated data, meaning that individual students will not be identifiable. You have the right to request for your data to be removed from our system (contact us anytime).
Click here for the parent/carer letter, to be sent before any prior engagement with South Yorkshire CU.
Evaluation of the project will be published here in due course.