News: Using Hepp Online

Want a quick engaging activity to encourage your students to consider higher education? How about one of our Choices and Pathways short films where higher education students share their own inspiring stories! There are more than 20 to choose from, all between 2½-3 minutes long, covering a wide range of courses and providers.
Useful as a quick time-filler or a conversation starter in a lesson or form time, everyone featured in these videos is not only positive and encouraging about their experiences of higher education but also honest. You could use Liz’s story about how she felt lost when she started at university, and what she did to solve that, to start a discussion about students’ concerns around studying somewhere new and coping strategies. Or how about Ryan’s story about how he wasn’t enjoying A-Levels so changed to a BTEC course (before going on to a Music Production degree) to show students that they don’t have to get their decisions right first time and can always make changes as they go along their learning journeys.
A wide range of courses are represented from English Literature and History, to Sports Coaching and Media, Moving Image & Photography. Study locations include the University of Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam University, Dearne Valley College, Rotherham College and University Campus Barnsley.
To check out all these short films and decide which ones might work best for your students, click on Resources – Schools and Colleges, then choose Choices & Pathways (Topic) and Films (Type).